Symbols used in iTunes
When you import music and videos, symbols indicate the status. Other symbols enable you to do tasks.
Symbol | Description of symbol | What the symbol means |
| Display icon | The item is a video. |
| Document icon | The item is a PDF file. |
| Arrows pointing out | Click to enter full-screen mode. |
| Arrows pointing in | Click to exit full-screen mode. |
| Exclamation point |
Next to a song: The song can’t be located; it may have been moved or deleted. Next to a podcast: Recent episodes haven’t been downloaded because you have multiple unplayed episodes. |
| Broadcast icon | The song is stored on the Internet; when you click the song, it is “streamed” live to your computer. |
| Black checkmark | The song will be included in the specified action. For example, only songs with a checkmark are imported when you import a CD. |
| Speaker with sound lines | The song is playing. |
| Eject button | Click to eject a CD or disconnect a device. |
| Blue dot next to a movie, TV show, podcast, or iTunes U lesson |
You haven’t begun to play this item. If this appears next to a TV show season or podcast series, there is at least one episode in the season or series that hasn’t been played. |
| Blue half-dot next to a movie, TV show, podcast, or iTunes U lesson | You’ve begun to play this item, but haven’t yet played it all the way through. |
| Arrows at the right of the display window | Click to switch between displays. This symbol appears only if iTunes is performing an action (such as updating Genius or downloading a file) while an item is playing. |
| Dialog balloon | Click to turn subtitles on or off. |
| Cloud with an arrow pointing down | The song is stored in iCloud and available to be downloaded to your computer. |
| Cloud with a diagonal slash | The song isn’t eligible to be uploaded to your iCloud library. For example, the song file might be larger than 200 MB, or encoded at 96 Kbps or less. |
| Two clouds with a diagonal slash | Your iTunes library contains duplicate versions of this song, and only the other version was uploaded to your iCloud library. |
| Cloud with dotted outline | The song is being matched, but the process hasn’t been completed yet. |
| Speaker | The speaker is available via AirPlay. |
| TV icon | The TV is available via AirPlay. |
| Speaker with lock | You need to enter a password to connect to the AirPlay-enabled speaker. |
| TV with lock | You need to enter a password to connect to the AirPlay-enabled TV. |
| Exclamation point inside a triangle | The selected AirPlay device has an error. |
| Exclamation point inside a triangle with lock | You haven’t entered a password for the selected AirPlay device. |