Pre-order items from the iTunes Store
If an item isn’t yet available, you may be able to pre-order and then download it when it becomes available.
Pre-order an item: Click the Pre-order button next to the item. When the item is available for download, you receive an email notice. You aren’t charged for the item until you download it.
Download a pre-ordered item: Click the link in the email notice or open iTunes and choose Store > Check for Available Downloads.
View, cancel, or see the expected release dates for pending pre-orders: Choose Store > View My Apple ID, and click Manage Pre-orders.
When you pre-order an item, you may not be able to download it at the exact moment it becomes available for regular purchase. You’ll receive an email the same day it becomes available to let you know when you can download the item.
Some albums or collections you can pre-order include a song that’s available to download immediately. When you pre-order these items, the available song is downloaded and you’re charged only for that song. When you download the rest of the album (after you’re notified it’s available), you’re charged for the rest.